Thomas Donaldson Art

Eastlit January 2014: Thomas Donaldson Art. Painting. Speak no Evil

Speak No Evil. Mixed Media on Canvas.

Eastlit January 2014: Thomas Donaldson artwork. Painting in mixed media on canvas.

Head in Mixed Media on Canvas

Eastlit January 2014: Thomas Donaldson art. Study in turquoise. Painting. Oil on canvas.

Study in Turquoise. Oil on Canvas.

Eastlit January 2104: Thomas Donaldson artwork. Girl with orange. Painting. Oil on canvas.

Girl with Orange. Oil on Canvas.

Eastlit January 2014: Thomas Donaldson art. Sara. Painting. oil on canvas.

Sara. Oil on Canvas

Eastlit January 2014: Thomas Donaldson Painting. Head with red stripe. Painting. Mixed media.

Head with Red Stripe. Mixed Media.

Editor’s Note on Thomas Donaldson Art:

Thomas is an English painter based in Asia. His visceral works address political,sexual and ethical values. The works utilize the human figure juxtaposed with abstract mark making, which question moral implications of a consumer and self-obsessed driven culture.

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