New Writers

We get asked about new writers a lot. The main question is will new writers be considered? Of course they will. We intend to include some work by new writers in every issue.

However, we cannot publish everything. We have an editorial policy. We cannot publish work by everyone. But there will always be space for the best work by new writers. We also cannot have every piece on the same topic in an issue. We must keep things varied for our readership. This is what we must think about. Our aim is to help new writers, though. This policy will not change.

Everything submitted will be read by several people. If we find it interesting, we will try to publish it. If we think it will interest our readers, we will try to publish it. Sometimes we will take risks.

So new writers please keep sending the work to submissions.

If you do not get published first time, do not give up. It happens to most. It can be difficult for new writers. Like everything writing is hard work. Getting it right is, too. Keep writing. You only get better.

Get accepted first time. Don’t stop working. Nobody is the perfect writer.

We are enjoying all the reading. We look forward to even more to read!

Thanks for your support.

Please remember to bookmark or follow us. Check here for news. The first issue is out December 1. Check the site for this.

